First Baptist Church Pinehurst
Leading People to Love Jesus
Together we are a community of believers. What does that mean, the word community? We believe that together in fellowship we grow closer to God and one another (Prov. 27:17). The Bible speaks about iron sharpening iron. We believe that together we grow stronger. We are a community of believers.
We strive to be a church without walls. Jesus calls for us to go outside the walls to reach the lost and the broken. It is there that the lost will be found. Most churches find it is comfortable to stay within the walls, but we make it an effort to be like the church from the book of Acts, to see our city changed.
We highly value our relationships with one another. We look to grow through fellowship, and ultimately growing closer to God. We value the word of God, and the leadership of the Holy Spirit. We look to extend grace to all of the lost and broken, and lead those with no hope to the hope of Jesus Christ.
At First Baptist Church Pinehurst, our mission is simply to lead people to love Jesus!
To love the lord our God with all our strength, mind, heart and soul. To love one another. To tell the world of Jesus and His love. To serve God by caring for others. To encourage Christian growth in our lives.
We highly value our relationships with one another. We look to KNOW Jesus and to CONNECT with each other. That is why GROW through fellowship, and ultimately growing closer to God. We value the word of God, and the leadership of the Holy Spirit. We look to extend grace to all the lost and broken and GO to lead those with no hope to the hope of Jesus Christ.
In early 2000, a group of individuals from the First Baptist Church of Aberdeen, First Baptist Church of Southern Pines, Sandhills Baptist Association and the Baptist State Convention had a vision to establish a mission church which would serve Pinehurst, North Carolina and the surrounding area. They established a steering committee to explore the possibility of planting such a church.
In 2001, several members from each of the sponsoring churches volunteered to become the first congregation of this new church and the First Baptist Church of Pinehurst was officially formed. In October of that year, David Marks became the pastor.
Over the following seven months, financial arrangements were made, a small plot of land was purchased and a small building was constructed. The first Sunday worship service occurred in the new facility on June 9, 2002. Sixty-nine worshippers were in attendance.
Membership grew rapidly and in 2004 fourteen acres of land in a prime location was purchased and construction began on a multipurpose building. The building was dedicated in March 2006. It included a sanctuary, classrooms, choir room and administrative areas. Since then, a fellowship hall, large kitchen, additional classrooms and 5 acres of land have expanded our campus. By God’s faithfulness we now enjoy a 19-acre campus with 30,000 square feet of building and facilities.
Over the years, First Baptist Church of Pinehurst has continued to grow and each period of growth has brought improved facilities, expanded Sunday School programs, Senior, Adult, Student and Children programs, Missions, Sunday Worship, and much more.
We can’t wait to see what God has next!
Our Future
Except for the promise of eternal life for those who believe, we at First Baptist Church of Pinehurst are like every other church and every other person in the world, we don’t know what the future holds. What we do know is that God wants us to continue leading people to love Jesus. That knowledge drives us to constantly look toward the future and search for ways to touch the lives of more and more non-believers—here and around the world. At the same time, we want to expand our capability to nurture and encourage every member of our congregation to become more Christlike in their life’s walk.
Our 19-acre church campus is ideally located in an area that is experiencing amazing growth. As the population grows, we expect our church membership to grow with it—perhaps at an even faster rate! That possibility has motivated our Strategic Planning Committee to engage the services of an engineering firm to study our campus and help us design a facilities expansion plan that will enable us to do what we believe God is leading us toward. The committee has given that firm some broad ideas to consider:
Campus facilities are not the only thing that church staff and members of the church council are comtemplating. There are a number of other ideas that we are moving towrads: