“For we walk by faith, not by sight.”

2 Corinthians 5:7

Faith Steps Demonstrated

2001 - Small group stepped out in faith

2006 - Original Sanctuary & Classrooms Completed

2013 - Growth led to Fellowship Hall
wing and additional classrooms

2024 - Experiencing growth in all
ministries - Sunday School
attendance up 30%

More Faith Steps Ahead

Additional space is needed to accommodate growth and provide:

•Safe & Secure area for children & youth
•Inviting, Dened & Expanded Areas
for our Children and Youth
•Additional Adult classrooms
•Expanded Fellowship Area
•Community Outreach opportunities
•Additional Parking

Faith Steps Capital Campaign

Next Generation Building:

14,700 sq ft.-Classrooms & Flex Space
Estimated cost is $4.27 million =
$1.5 million pledges + $2.5 million mortgage + $270,000 funds on hand

Outreach Center:

11,650 sq ft.-Gymnasium/Activity Center
Estimated cost is $2.24 million
Timing for construction is dependent on pay down of Next Generation mortgage and future church revenue.

Make checks payable to:
First Baptist Church of Pinehurst.
Note: FAITH STEPS on check


Return Pledge Card or donation to:
First Baptist Church of Pinehurst
P. O. Box 5941
Pinehurst, NC 28374

Prayfully consider how you can
participate in FAITH STEPS.

You will be a part of teaching our
children and youth about faith and
providing additional facilities where
they will find faith, knowledge and
a relationship with Jesus as an
alternative to what the world is offering.